Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Reason Why

He was my destiny-the man I would grow old with, The man I would love for the rest of my life...

Francis seemed to be everything I wasn't-dynamic, charming, open, cool, successful in a spectacular way. He don't talk a lot, but when he do, what he have to say matters. 

Most people regarded me as spoiled rotten brat, and not particularly interesting. It never occurred to most people to wonder what I might be thinking behind my super 'arte' facade. We're only 3 years apart in age.

I'd been surprised when he asked me to have lunch with him one day. I'm kinda nervous, TENSED. And when I imagined we'll be having lunch I found my self smiling and I'm so 'kilig' even though we cannot call it a date, still having butterflies on my stomach :) I talked a lot that day, I know it's kinda annoying but I can't help it. I talked a lot of nonsense, I mean A LOT ha-ha! Whoa! 

With Frans I can share anything and everything. Problems, conceited moments, pathetic things I've done, Alien doings I do, crazy Ideas-everything. Frans listened to all this. He understood and sympathized without being sorry for me. He believed that I had enough character of my own to succeed at whatever I wanted to do, and he told me so. As we try to know each other better, a confidence began to grow in me that was new and satisfying. A real confidence. Frans actually valued my opinion and he listened to what I had to say. Perhaps he was born a teacher and I was a willing student.

Before I met Frans, it had always been hard for me to trust anyone in a close relationship, I mean a real close relationship/friendship- A REAL ONE. After all, I had been a victim of my friends repeated warning and my own experience, basic refrain that men couldn't be trusted. But even when I was under the mistaken notion that he is  one great player, playboy, chickboy, so many girls who was pictured to be, I went on loving him. I tried to avoid him because of that, having the thought that i would just end up broken or hurt because of that still I end up showing in front of him. I keep coming back to him because I wanted to be with him. All the time. I like taking risk. More than that, I like to take risk with Him FOREVER. Obviously I fell inlove with him before he fell he fell inlove with me. ha-ha!

Frans was the least cynical person I'd ever known, and eventually he cleansed me of the poisoned, turned me in a new directions. No matter what he'd done, I owed him that. He would listen when I thought something through in my own careful way. We became friends as well as lovers and now we're perfectly together I couldn't imagine ever wanting for anything more than I have. It was so easy, it felt so natural, to always hold him like there is no tomorrow. I can think of a million and one reasons why I love him, put them together and they still wouldn't describe how perfect he is. 

He fill my life with so many good things. Dreams to share, special moments to discover, warm feelings to cherish, and a lasting kind of love to fill my heart. It's not his lovely hand I'm not going to ever let go. Oh, that soft hand I can't forever hold. But you, Hon, I will bind to me for all time. :) I will love you forever and ever. :) I love you baby! :*

Piano Version - Sadness & Sorrow Mp3

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